Contributed abstracts
The full program and contributed abstracts for the II CONESUL Meeting are compiled below:
Posters sessions:
All posters will be exhibited in the hall of the IFIBYNE Building (first floor) throughout the Symposium, from Thursday morning till Saturday afternoon.
For more convenience during the presentation, we have divided the posters into two sessions:
ODD POSTERS: Session 1 – Thursday from 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. and
EVEN POSTERS: Session 2 – Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Poster numbers are provided in the abstract book.
Packing or paper tape will be provided to adhere the poster (not biface of any kind!).
Posters must be up to 0.90m wide by 1.25m high, made of paper (not fabric) and we suggest they be prepared in English.
Poster Awards
The three best posters presented in the Symposium will receive a cash prize of US$ 150 sponsored by ACS Publications and Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.
Confirmed Speakers
Leandro Martinez
Univ. of Campinas - UNICAMP, Brazil
Adrian Roitberg
Univ. of Florida, USA
Vanesa Galassi
Univ. Nac. de Cuyo, Argentina
Juliana Palma
Univ. Nac. de Quilmes, Argentina
Diego Moreno
Univ. Nac. de Rosario, Argentina
Sebastián Fernandez Alberti
Univ. Nac. de Quilmes, Argentina
Sergio Pantano
Instituto Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
Victor Batista
Univ. of Yale, USA
Mehrnoosh Arrar
Univ. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Marcelo Costabel
Univ. Nac. del Sur, Argentina
Florencia Martini
ITBA, Argentina
Julio Caballero
Univ. de Talca, Chile
Marcelo A. Marti
Univ. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thereza A. Soares
Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Alberto Pérez
Univ. of Florida, USA
E. Laura Coitiño
Univ. de la República, Uruguay
Vítor Leite
Univ. Estadual Paulista, Brazil
Victor Martínez Chamorro
Univ. Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
Giulia Palermo
Univ. of California Riverside
Virginia Miguel
Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Uriel Morzan
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ana Ligia Scott
Univ. Federal do ABC - Brazil
Pedro Pascutti
Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Eliana Ascuitto
Univ. Nacional de San Martín
César A. Ramírez-Sarmiento
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Carolina Estarellas
Universitat de Barcelona
Esteban Vöhringer-Martínez
Universidad de Concepción
José Rafael Bordin
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Jens Meiler
Leipzig University
Institute for Drug Discovery